3 de julio de 2009

Janco Partners y Blizzard

Janco Partners es quizás de los analistas mundiales más respetados y hace poco hizo una serie de declaraciones curiosas.

Por una parte habló de la Beta de Starcraft 2 donde incrementó la posibilidad de que el juego al final no estuviera listo para el 2009 tal y como lo había afirmado Blizzard. El lead designer del juego afirmó hace poco que la beta durará entre 4 y 6 meses en declaraciones a Kotaku.

"Beta is extremely distracting for us," he said. "We're playing. We want to see what other people are doing. We need to fix bugs right now. The minute beta goes out, we lose a lot of efficiency."

"So, we don't want to be in beta for nine months."

Activisión podría retirar el soporte a Playstation 3

"I'm getting concerned about Sony; the PlayStation 3 is losing a bit of momentum and they don't make it easy for me to support the platform," Kotick told the UK Times Online, adding that the return on investment is "better" on the Wii and Xbox 360.
CEO de Activision

Y declaraciones interesantes

1 )
"While we expect price cuts from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo before the holiday, the ultimate timing and magnitude remain uncertain," he adds.

According to Hickey, other areas of caution are a recent boost in Activision insiders selling shares -- "impossible to ignore," he says -- and increasing challenges for World of Warcraft.

2) El tema chino del WoW no le reporta pérdidas económicas a la empresa debido a los royalties a pagar por The9 por el juego.

The $10-$15 million Activision will lose in the transition will be "more than offset" by the higher royalty rate NetEase will be paying to operate the game -- $100-$120 million, as opposed to the $70-$80 million WoW's China operations were bringing in before.

3) Aion preocupa

"We view looming competition in the West from new MMORPGs as a greater threat to WoW’s future then the current transition ( refiriéndose al tema del WoW en China )," he adds, including NCsoft's September launch of Aion as a possible competitive threat.

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