26 de marzo de 2009

Filefront cierra

Al enterarme puse esa cara de " me extraña " , Filefront lleva mucho tiempo dando guerra y es uno de los grandes en cuanto a su categoría, teniendo un mano a mano con megaupload, pero parece ser que Filefront va a cesar el servicio de almacenaje el próximo día 30 de Marzo.

Pongo la noticia como válida, el estar tan cercano al April´s Fool ( Los santos inocentes yankees ) me sigue haciendo ser un pelín incrédulo, pero vamos, nada hace indicar que sea un fake.Pongo la nota oficial del cierre de Filefront:

We regret to inform you that due to the current economic conditions we are forced to indefinitely suspend the FileFront site operations on March 30, 2009. If you have uploaded files, images or posted blogs, or if you would like to download some of your favorite files, please take this opportunity to download them before March 30th when the site will be suspended.

We would like to give a warm thank you to all of you who have been part of the FileFront communities we have built together. Your support has had a meaningful impact for all of us here at FileFront. Again, we want to give you a sincere “thank you” for your support over the years and wish you all the very best.

Keep gaming alive,

FileFront Management and Team.


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